Return the fraction / whole value of a decimal number using MOD, DIV, FRAC or SHIFT :
The following ABAP code gives the fraction values of 1.3456.
DATA: ld_decimal TYPE P DECIMALS 4 VALUE '1.3456',
ld_fraction TYPE P DECIMALS 4,
ld_fracstr TYPE string,
ld_whole type i.
* Display full number with fraction
WRITE:/ 'Full number =', ld_decimal.
* Get the whole number
ld_whole = ld_decimal DIV 1.
WRITE:/ 'Whole section =', ld_whole.
* Get the fraction value of number using MOD
ld_fraction = ld_decimal MOD 1.
WRITE:/ 'Fraction =', ld_fraction.
* Get the fraction value of number using FRAC
ld_fraction = FRAC( ld_decimal ).
write:/ 'Fraction =', ld_fraction .
* Get the fraction value of a decimal number using string manipulation
ld_fracstr = ld_decimal.
shift ld_fracstr LEFT up to '.'.
shift ld_fracstr LEFT by 1 places.
write:/ 'Fraction =', ld_fracstr .