Steps to create domain:
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button "Domain".
3. Provide the domain name ( Eg : ZDM_EMP ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee Id ).
5. Provide the data type and length.
6. Save the domain.
7. Check the domain.
8. Activate the domain.
9. Enter.
10. Repeat the same steps for all the domains.
Steps to create the Data element:
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button data type.
3. Provide the data element name ( Eg: ZDE_EMP_ID ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee Id ).
5. Provide the domain name which was created earlier. Enter.
6. Click on " Field Label " tab.
7. Provide Heading ( Eg: Employee Id ).
8. Save the data element.
9. Check the data element.
10. Activate the data element.
11. Repeat the same steps for other data elements.
Steps to create DB Table :
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button database table.
3. Provide the table name ( Eg: ZDB_BOTTOM_UP ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee table ).
5. Provide delivery class is "A".
6. Select the Display / Maintenance Allowed.
7. Click on Fields tab.
8. Provide the Field names and data elements.
9. Save and check the table.
10. Click on Technical settings.
11. Select the data class "APPL0" and size category "0".
12. Save and click on back.
13. Activate the table.
Note: If you get the warning message i.e. Enhancement category for table missing then in Menu bar click on Extras. Select Enhancement Category . Enter. Select the radio button can Enhanced ( Character type or Numeric ). Click on copy.
Steps to create Entries in the table:
1. In the menu bar click on Utilities. Select table contents. Select create entries.
2. Provide the data and click on save.
Steps to Display the data in the table:
In the menu bar click on Utilities. Select table contents. Click on Display.
Steps to create domain:
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button "Domain".
3. Provide the domain name ( Eg : ZDM_EMP ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee Id ).
5. Provide the data type and length.
6. Save the domain.
7. Check the domain.
8. Activate the domain.
9. Enter.
10. Repeat the same steps for all the domains.
Steps to create the Data element:
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button data type.
3. Provide the data element name ( Eg: ZDE_EMP_ID ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee Id ).
5. Provide the domain name which was created earlier. Enter.
6. Click on " Field Label " tab.
7. Provide Heading ( Eg: Employee Id ).
8. Save the data element.
9. Check the data element.
10. Activate the data element.
11. Repeat the same steps for other data elements.
Steps to create DB Table :
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button database table.
3. Provide the table name ( Eg: ZDB_BOTTOM_UP ) and click on create.
4. Provide the short description ( Eg: Employee table ).
5. Provide delivery class is "A".
6. Select the Display / Maintenance Allowed.
7. Click on Fields tab.
8. Provide the Field names and data elements.
9. Save and check the table.
10. Click on Technical settings.
11. Select the data class "APPL0" and size category "0".
12. Save and click on back.
13. Activate the table.
Note: If you get the warning message i.e. Enhancement category for table missing then in Menu bar click on Extras. Select Enhancement Category . Enter. Select the radio button can Enhanced ( Character type or Numeric ). Click on copy.
Steps to create Entries in the table:
1. In the menu bar click on Utilities. Select table contents. Select create entries.
2. Provide the data and click on save.
Steps to Display the data in the table:
In the menu bar click on Utilities. Select table contents. Click on Display.