1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button " data type ".
3. Provide the structure name ( Eg: ZST_STUDENT_DT ) and click on Create.
4. Select the radio button " Structure " and click on Enter.
5. Provide the short description.
6. Provide component (field) and component type (data element).
7. Save, Check and Activate the Structure.
Differences between database table and structure:
Database Table Structure
1. Database table must contain 1. Structure doesn't contain
atleaset one field as primary any primary fields.
2. Database table contains the 2. Structure doesn't contain
permanent data any data.
3. We must provide the delivery 3. We no need to provide the
class to the table. delivery class to structure.
1. Execute SE11.
2. Select the radio button " data type ".
3. Provide the structure name ( Eg: ZST_STUDENT_DT ) and click on Create.
4. Select the radio button " Structure " and click on Enter.
6. Provide component (field) and component type (data element).
7. Save, Check and Activate the Structure.
Differences between database table and structure:
Database Table Structure
1. Database table must contain 1. Structure doesn't contain
atleaset one field as primary any primary fields.
2. Database table contains the 2. Structure doesn't contain
permanent data any data.
3. We must provide the delivery 3. We no need to provide the
class to the table. delivery class to structure.